What do Great Websites Have in Common?

While the advent of social media has had a significant effect in the way the majority of companies do business, the necessity for a good website is still as important as it’s ever been. Having a “good” website is certainly essential, but what about great?
Sunday, May 21, 2017 Dan Web Design

5 Reasons Why Your Company Should be Blogging

Blogging isn’t exactly a new concept, but for some reason, there are still plenty of businesses that keep avoiding it. That’s a shame, because if your company isn’t blogging on a regular basis, you're missing out on a whole host of benefits and advantages that can do nothing but increase your customer base -- and your profits...
Monday, May 15, 2017 Dan Web Design,Marketing

Reasons to Consider a Website Redesign

If at all possible, the old adage that you only get one chance at a first impression rings even more true than ever before. Every day, we are barraged with information and forced to filter through what is important and decide what deserves our attention. Humans have become experts at skimming and making spilt second decisions...
Saturday, April 1, 2017 Dan Web Design

Why Responsive Web Design is Important for Small Businesses

All you have to do it take a look around to notice the prevalence and importance of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Whether you are riding the train to work, walking down the sidewalk or even sitting in a meeting, you are bound to be surrounded by people who are glued to their devices. While some of those people are playing Candy Crush or texting their friends, a significant percentage are online shopping and making purchases. For businesses looking to speak directly to the demands of today’s tech savvy consumers, a responsive website is an absolute must.
Friday, March 24, 2017 Dan Web Design

Top 5 reasons for local milwaukee web design

It's a daunting task finding the right web designer, so where should you turn to? Here's our top 5 reasons for sticking with a local web design company.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Dan Custom Software,Web Design


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